Don't Wait on Some Better Day, Better Time, Better Situation.
Don't Wait on Someone Else, Some Other Company or Opportunity
Don't Wait Until Your Out of Time, or Breathing Your Last...
Take a Hold of Your Gifts and Talents, and then USE THEM.
Right Now. Right Now.
Not Tomorrow, Not Next Week, Not when you get promoted, get your taxes, get into a better economy, get married, get divorced, graduate, get funded, gain weight, lose weight, etc . . .
Right NOW.
Begin Right Where You are At, With What You Have, and Head Towards Your Dreams, Serve God, Serve Humanity, Make a Difference, Adjust and Adapt and Learn as You Go Along, and Keep ON Keeping ON!!!
NOW Get Out of Here, Get Away from Your Computer, Cellphone, Tablet, whatever - and Go Make a Difference with Real Living Breathing People. People around you Need Encouragement Too.
Go On Now - Git !!