He was Memorable.
When I spoke with him, he Resonated with Joy - EVERYTHING was delightful and exciting and fun. His eyes spoke volumes and he was Very warm and caring.
The Questions is: What Impression do I make on people?
It has been said that 'many people are already dead, and the funeral is just a formality'! or that many people 'live lives of quiet desperation'! or that many people are 'like zombies' or the 'living dead'! I've heard that people are 'checked out', 'zoned out', 'burnt out', and 'used up'.
It's not just rumors. I have met, and continue to see people who live day to day as if 'the world had ended', or that 'the weight of the entire world was on their shoulders', or in a 'permanent state of doom and gloom!' All the Routine, Tradition, Appearances, Obedience to the 'Hive-Mind', Peer Pressure, and the Influence of the Media; CONTROLLING their EVERY THOUGHT, FEELING, ACTION!!!
As the Cartoon Illustrates, the difference between AVERAGE and MEMORABLE is ONLY a CHOICE.
To Live an EXCITING life, BE Exciting.
It is Very True that we tend to Experience whatever we are 'looking' for, whatever we are 'expecting'. Our Brains deal with Billions of bits of information every second -- however we can only handle 2,000 bits per second -- this means that unless our Wonderful Brains FILTER out Billions of bits of information every second, we would Go Crazy and be on 'Overload' - just like little babies that are exposed to too much sound, light, color, movement at the same time -- too much stimulation and we tend to 'freeze' or 'freak out'!!
So...as a Safety Measure - our Brains ONLY show us the information to PROVE what we are looking for - what is Important to us. So what you EXPECT to see in life is what your brain uses to decide what to show you. Only information that leads you towards what you expect, the rest is thrown out.
Average or Memorable?
What do you want? Then begin acting that way. Begin thinking that way. Begin feeling that way. And it won't take too long before you will begin to see Results in your life that PROVE you right!!!
Thank You Jesus
~ Miss J
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