They are NOT afraid to teach Doctrine and Principles according to scriptures. So many church people don't even understand or were never taught how their church came into existence or what the doctrines and principles are according to the bible.
Ministers that God calls, ordains, and anoints, they don't fear people - they fear God. They are not going to put their pictures on the wall/billboards. On purpose lifting up God and His Son Jesus, not themselves. They will ask God how HE wants the church to be. If they are used to a big fancy church - God might put them in a tiny run-down place to break their proud spirit and keep them humble.
They teach their congregation how they got called into the ministry and explain what the role of a minister is and how God looks at that position and the seriousness of the calling, and how God considers every person to be Valuable - so the minister knows not to get up to speak and hurt peoples feelings because they are having a bad day.
You don't have to worry about them abandoning the church and going to another church, or trying to steal other church's members. They don't believe in that. God will give them the sheep that they are called to be the shepherd of. And they never abandon their sheep!
God puts an anointing on them to explain the scriptures so that it makes sense and it connects with other scriptures in the bible. They are not afraid to lose members and they tell them 'If you don't want Truth, if you don't want to hear what thus saith the Lord, then you are in the wrong place! if you are sitting here, you are going to hear Truth and the message will give you the knowledge to be made Free! This message will separate the goats from the sheep'
God's word is not going to back down, not backing down to nobody - especially the ministers. I have actually seen God's word condemn ministers while they are in the pulpit ' you had better shape up or I will replace you'. God is speaking thru their mouth and you can tell it wasn't the minister because their eyes got real big. One thing I have learned is that God always has a backup - somebody that is listening and learning and being talked to by God - somebody that doesn't realize that they are being trained and somebody that doesn't have to go to a bible college to answer the call of God!!
Ministers of God prophetic speak. That means no pre-planned sermon or service. The message comes straight from God. God gives it to Jesus who gives it to the ministers and they give it to the people. It spiritually feeds the congregation what they need to hear on that day. They explain the bible the way that God wants it taught, so it makes sense and the scriptures connect - both old and new testament. I remember being taught something when I was younger that I never went and looked up the scripture. The way the minister was teaching it and what the bible actually said was 2 different things. I never would have known had I never had that belief challenged and told to go read it for myself. God's ministers will encourage you to Read your Bible. Read it for yourself. See what it really says.
They talk about where we are at in time, according to scripture. They teach you to not fear - no matter what the current politics of the nation are. God is on the throne. They teach you the 7,000 year plan of God from the start in Genesis to the end in Revelation. When you get the understanding of that - then you understand God's plan and it becomes your revelation - not just nice words.
In God's True church, no 2 services are ever the same. I have been in services where it was nothing but music. Or God saw that people had been thru a tough week and it was nothing but Praising God the entire service and getting blessed. I have been in services where it was deep teaching from scripture to scripture - taking lots of notes and really studying the word. I know this might sound weird, but I have even been in services that God put his Spirit on people to laugh and be happy and it healed peoples spirit, bodies and minds! People left the service and for several days later they were so happy that some of their coworkers/classmates/friends got offended and couldn't understand why they were so happy and nothing seemed to bother us.
God wants his ministers to teach people the doctrines and principles of the bible, the 7,000 year plan of salvation , how to have a real relationship with God, how to get answers to prayers (yes, no, and not right know), how to grow spiritually, and how to overcome the temptations and sins that bother them! and more!
God's ministers have a job to do - they preach what God tells them to preach, do what God tells them to do, fight the devil and spiritually defend the congregation from the enemy - like a shepherd defending the sheep from the wolves. Even if that means fasting for days and staying up all night praying for the people. They answer to God - are held accountable by God for every word they say and are responsible to keep the flow of the Holy Spirit moving thru the church so that all who obey God's word can receive the maximum blessings available to them!
Why do I go to the church I go to? Because this is just a taste of what I have been taught and experienced. And there is so much more!! God truly is AWESOME !!
To be Continued...
~ Miss J
Holy Bible King James Version
Ezekiel 3 verse 17 'Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.