Quitters Never Win, and Winners Never Quit
Today's entry is NOT to discuss the life stories of all those champions.
It is to discuss the Champion who is reading this right now, YOU.
No matter who you are, where you are from, what your background is, what kind of education you have, what experience you have, what color you are, whether you are male or female, tall or short, fat or fit, ugly or pretty - NONE of it MATTERS.
None of it Matters when compared to the inherent power of creation that is available to all of us. Sure, everything I mentioned can have an influence, can give you the starting point - but it doesn't determine your life or results.
the King James Bible teaches us that the Almighty God has a Spirit, it is called the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. it also teaches us that each of us have our own individual separate spirit - we call it 'chi' or 'ki' or 'life energy' or 'human spirit'. This is just a sliver of the God's Spirit - and it is Amazing what can be accomplished with it, when trained, focused and used.
We are designed to grow and move towards the light, towards what we can see. It is so Very Important that we are Truly Clear on what we 'See'.
This is a Detailed Version of your dreams, what you want to accomplish in life.
Get Clear, Act on It - DAILY, and NEVER Let GO!!! Never Give Up, Never...
You might have to make Adjustments along the way, and take steps you didn't expect, but HOLD the Vision of Your Destination Firm.
And Lastly, Be Willing to Have Your Vision Altered to Something Bigger and Greater. We Never Know when we will be called upon to provide Greater Service than we thought we were capable of !!!