The people in certain offices had say-so over everything that took place there. There is nowhere in the bible do I read that God asked Noah, Abraham, Moses, King Solomon, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, the twelve disciples, and Peter or Paul to wait to see what a certain committee decides to do before obeying God and directing what happens in the church next.
God deals directly with the ministers he calls and puts an #anointing on them to carry out what he asked them to say or do. God told Moses I will speak to you mouth to mouth, and to the other people he will speak to them in dreams and visions.
KJV Bible Numbers 12 - Verse 8
If someone from a comittee has hurt you, I am so sorry. Please know that it was not God.
A minister is suppose to instruct / correct his sheep, not someone on a committee or in the congregation. If the members are running the church, why do they need a pastor?
If someone has hurt you, again I am sorry. God put a pastor in charge to protect his sheep from the wolf that may be in their congregation.
A True minister of God is not afraid of the congregation. They #fearGod more.
~ Miss J