Who have I worked for that I did more good deeds for them then they will ever realize?
When someone tried to pry me for information, I gave them nothing.
They brought me donuts, sweets, gifts, and through it all I never revealed private information
? what time do they arrive at work ?
? what car do they drive ?
? what time do they leave at night ?
? what project are they working on ?
The thing that kept me from giving out any information was, these 3 words...
'God is watching'
In God's word I read that it says 'do unto others as I would want them to do unto me'
So for those that work for a boss or company that doesn't appreciate what you do for them, how you sacrifice for them, how you protect them, and how you promote them... I understand what you are going thru.
Been there, Done that.
God IS watching. God will reward you. So do the right thing.
He appreciates you when others don't.
When others don't even know they could.
With Love Sugar
Miss J
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