What it does is point out a basic law of nature:
you have to use the right bait to catch what you want.
And to be honest, when we see women with revealing clothing on - she looks cheap and easy. trading on her looks and sexuality. Since that is what she feels appropriately reflects her self worth - this is how she 'displays' herself, this is how she wants to appear to others - this is how she is treated.
and for those of us who want to treat all people as people - it can be offensive when a woman throws her sexuality in our face, assuming that it will make me be nicer or want her or do things for her, forcing us to deal with that - instead of who she really is.
In fact, when I see a woman dressed so poorly - I tend to give her no slack at all, no favour, because such a blatant attempt to bribe me does not get rewarded. In fact I fight not to treat her with disrespect. It's unconscious - we mirror back to others what they put out - its a reflection of THEIR self image.
Most men I have known stated that they treat women as sexual toys because that is how they conduct themselves. Since what is put on display is what is for sale - that's all they will get. No brain, No personality, No Talent - just lust.
They treat the women who dress respectfully as intelligent partners, even as equals. It is sad to hear how many young woman will have sex with a boy because otherwise he will date someone else. This is how far our culture has fallen into sin. That girls would have such low self esteem, that they are not happy with themselves, that they 'need' a boyfriend, are 'desperate' for one - so they give in to pressure and have sex. What they don't understand is that once they give the sex - they still don't have a boy 'friend'. He is not their friend - he 'USED' her for sex, and will continue to USE any other girl who will give it up, even her friends. He doesn't respect her, doesn't love her, and most likely doesn't even like her - just said what she wanted to hear in order to get sex.
Often times the boys will get their sex from any cheap slut and then when they get tired of running around, they settle down with someone who wouldn't give it up so easy. so the 'slut' doesn't get her man, the new wife gets a husband that is used and worn out, and the guy gets sex but no intimacy, no connection, no love.
Satan is a liar and he has convinced our culture to tear down women, men, family, relationships. he is slick. But he doesn't have to win in your life. You CAN make different choices. You CAN be like Jesus.
Ladies, if you want a REAL MAN, and are not just running your mouth...
Then SERVE GOD, Model your life after the Values Jesus taught, Respect Yourself, Be of Service to Church and then Your world, Live for God - and the Almighty God in Heaven will Bring Your Man to you. You won't have to look for him - God will put him with you. And he will be a Man of Values, Morals, Character, Dignity, Loyalty, Respect and he will treat you like his Queen - plus you will get sex.