In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. All throughout the bible you read about what has already happened and about those things that will come to pass. All these things happened and are continuing to happen. So many things that are explained by the bible, yet remain mysteries to science. Many subjects are explained 1,000's of years before science has even begun to try and understand them!
Where does wind come from? Why does it move the way it moves? When you wave your hand in the air, what is air? You can feel the air but not see it. And talking about waves - what about the ocean? the bible talks about the 'deep', how it is made, what it's boundaries are! How do you explain death? Why does it happen? What causes it? and How is it possible for some to come back to life?
What about false prophets? The bible explains who they are, what they do, what they teach, how they operate, what their purpose is, what listening to them will do to you, and the destination for all false prophets and those that listen to them and support them. If you don't know the difference between a REAL Man of God and a false prophet, you can easily be deceived!! In the book of '2 Corinthians 11', the bible teaches that satan has ministers out there, people called and anointed to be deceived and deceive others.
Nobody has a choice of who will be their parents, what their skin color will be, what country they will be born in, what ethnic group will raise them, how rich or poor their parents will be, or even what kind of education they will get!
Racism and Prejudice is out there everywhere, affecting all Colors!
Look at Hitler who corrupted an entire nation to kill mostly whites, Stalin, Mao, Genghis Khan, the Rwandan Genocide - they killed people who had different shaped noses! (Really?!! Really?!!) Black people killing Black people. And Hey I am black, but I don't want to kill somebody because they look different, don't agree with me, or are any other color! Look at gangs killing each other because they live on different blocks of the same city!
Guess what? This is all satan's doing. The devil wants you to live full of hate, and harm others while at the same time limiting your ability to prosper. The bible warns against Racism and its evils and teaches a philosophy that eliminates it, when applied.
Remember that whatever you are looking for, your going to find... So if you look for reasons to hate and be upset, you will find them. And if you look for reasons to love and be happy, you will find them. Why do you think people are different? It's because of the way they think. Bottom line. How you choose to think will determine what you experience. And it will direct all your choices, your actions and therefore influencing your results. Rich people can't stay rich if they think like poor people.
There will ALWAYS be Racists, and Fools. There is nothing you can do about that, EXCEPT -- You don't have to be one of them! Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Treat people the way you would like to be treated. Don't react in negative ways - choose to rise above wicked thinking and Choose LOVE!
The Bible teaches all these things and more, in advance, so you don't have to be fooled. Scripture also states that in the last days, there will be many who try to fade out the name of Jesus, or discredit him in some way. They try and tear down the Son of God and his Father - and they offer nothing of value in their place. Filled with hate and spreading hate - not realizing that you experience what you give out and you get back what you give out - they become filled with hate and can see nothing else. Truly a sad life.
I on the other hand, Believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ - the Glorious Freedom that comes with that Adoption and the Wonderful Power that has been Transforming my life in Positive ways and helping me to handle all my stress, ever since the day I choose to believe!!
Do I BELIEVE the BIBLE? You are darn right, Sugar! I Do. and I Believe in Jehovah (God) and Jesus (God's Son). This relationship has Blessed me all of my life!
And what I see happening in the world right now, I don't stress out about - because it is more Bible prophecies being fulfilled and I know what role I play in all of it. It is nice to have peace of mind because I understand what is going on and what will come to pass.
With Love Sugar,
Miss J
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