It is my experience that they all have a story and it involves other people. Many times God is not involved in the story at all!!
- They may have been told something hurtful when growing up
- Some ‘bad’ thing was done to them
- A pastor did something mean to them
- Church people did them wrong
- False teaching about God, His Plan, and His relationship with humans was taught to them
- They prayed and told God that they would serve IF their loved one was healed – but instead of healing their loved one passed away.
- Natural Disasters took lives
- Unfair things happen
It’s a big list. I noticed that people are at the core of most of this list. Things that were said, things that were done, things that ‘people’ had done to each other. Yet instead of examining what happened or what was said and realizing it was people that did it – they turned their back on God, the one who didn’t do anything to them.
I remember meeting with a person who did not believe in God. Here is my story: Most people at their workplace wanted nothing to do with them. I always wanted to know why people believe what people believe. So I asked them. What they responded with was that all over the world there are people who are hungry and starving in the world – so there couldn’t be a God!
As I was listening to them speaking, I thought to myself 'Really? Because people are hungry you don't believe there is a God?' Remember: God's Spirit is not going to dwell where it is not wanted. In order to have a relationship with God - you have to get to know him and learn how to work with him. If you want His help you have to get to know him. He doesn't want to hear from you only when you want something and be ignored otherwise.
All their life this person has denied the existence of God because people are hungry. Even though there is enough food in the world to feed everyone, but GREED and Selfishness in people is what keeps the food from being distributed to those in need, not God. They were blaming God for the sins of people.
Is God to Blame for the hungry people in the world? Nope. Is God to blame for people murdering each other? Nope. Jesus made a statement that there would always be poor among you, and that we were to care for others and make sure that all got what they need. You can’t blame God because people shoot each other or steal from each other or deprive each other of basic human needs. It’s the people who are doing rotten things.
That's probably too deep a subject to really get into right now, so I can get my pastor to answer any questions you send in.
With Love Sugar,
Miss J
Stay tuned for more life lessons and experiences!!