I used to go to a church on Sunday and would come home not satisfied and still have to listen to more preaching on TV.
I discovered that I would often get more from some of the TV pastors then I was from own pastor!
I was contributing to a church that wasn't supplying my spiritual needs!
It was like paying for a meal at a restaurant but not enjoying it, not satisfied, so searching out others to 'feed me'.
I thought you could go to any church and be okay; I didn't know that God actually plants people in the church he wants to bless them in. I wasn't fulfilled, because I was in the wrong place. There are many places you can go to church, but that's not where God assigns you.
The thing I learned is that when you go to a church that God assigns you to be, you will just know, and that church will be like a home.
Since I found my place in the church God led me to, I come home on Sundays completely satisfied and don't need the TV preachers anymore!
Besides, all those TV preachers believe different things about God, Jesus and the Bible. . . but that subject is for another day.
NOW this is some of WHAT I LEARNED in CHURCH...
Church is a place, I learned, that can teach you to be a better person, IF you apply the principles.
A place to learn who is God, who is Jesus, and what is the Holy Ghost.
Are they 3, are they 2 (correct answer), or are they 1?
There are churches that teach all of these, but I Thank God that He allowed me to go to a church where I am able to understand and Read for MYSELF what is Truth and how to use it in my life!
I didn't know the difference at that time, but I found out that it is written in Exodus chapter 20 verse 24 that there are some places that God has 'written' His name. What that means is that God picks places and calls them holy and pays special attention to what happens at that spot. The ministers of God who serve at these places, fear God and preach what God tells them; not what you want them to say. No pre-planned sermons – they ‘prophetic’ speak, allowing God to deal with every single person that shows up!!
When I started going to this church I began learning more about God, Jesus and the Bible then I ever thought possible. Your pastor needs to be able to show you the Truth by Scripture.
Remember that churches can be like fast food restaurants - 1 on every corner, but they all believe (serve) different things. They are 'competing' against each other. God's Truth doesn't 'compete'.
So the scripture gives us teaching on this. Did you know that satan has ministers who are called by him, anointed by him, and look and act like Christians?!!
This is found in 2 Corinthians chapter 11 verses 13-15. And in Matthew chapter 7 Jesus called them 'wolves in sheep's clothing'. There is much discussion throughout the bible about the Truth Jesus taught and the deceptions the devil uses to fool the world!!
The KJV bible says that in all you do, get an understanding. When you get an Understanding of Truth, you can actually obligate God to Bless you. But if what you believe is Not truth, then God doesn't have to respond to you at all.
For those that are really truth seekers with a sincere heart, he will lead you to people who have HIS truth. So it is important to pray and have God lead you to a pastor who is preaching Truth.
If you have a pastor who is doing so, you should thank God for them and support them whole-heartedly. That church will be all of one mind and on one accord, they will understand the Truth and understand the Lies that are being used to deceive the world, because Truth exposes lies. Once you know Truth you automatically know, according to the Word, that everything that isn't Truth, is a lie!!
When you read the KJV bible with an Understanding, then you get the 'keys' to open up the scriptures.
Church is also a place to learn about the earth, about yourself, about the Plan of God and your place in that plan.
A place to learn about your spiritual rights and responsibilities, your gifts and talents, your authority and dominion, and MOST important…Learn who God is, Learn who Jesus really is and what his purpose for coming here was all about, and Learn what the Holy Spirit is all about and how important it is in my life.
This is a place to find family...
A family that believes alike and LOVES you unconditionally.
Stay tuned for more lessons about life and what I learned in church.
With Love,
Miss J
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