They make the children's bed, clean the house, do the chores, and no matter how hard they work, or how many job's they have, they still are a servant to others.
This is what they have seen the pattern do.
They work themselves to death. Never allowing someone to be responsible for their own mess, never accepting the assistance or help of another.
Their spouse can always depend on them, it does not matter if they are sick or well, they still are a servant to others.
Now that they are older and can use a little help, they find it difficult to get. A lifetime of training those around them to depend on them, to take from them that no body knows how to give. And if they did give, this person doesn't know how to receive.
It does not matter how many time they babysitted or changed their plans so you can keep yours. No one wants to help out.
Other people can never see your good, or the sacrifices you made, because they were focused on what you can do for them.
Isn't it about time to break the pattern of being used?
~ Miss J