This really happened to a friend of mine.
Get ready, here is a true story, in their own words.
"I did not go through life wishing that I can be involved in a car accident. If someone were wishing that, it was not me. God has kept me in good health all my life, I have taken that so much for granted. Being able to tie your own shoes, able to get out of bed without help, being able to sit down and get back up, and able to bend over just because. All this was no big deal to me, I never thought about it, I just did it.
I was NOT used to being in pain, having sore muscles everyday, or having to have help to get out of bed, to pick something up off the floor and the list of inconveniences that just goes on and on. There are so many things that I see now, that I have taken for granted, like having good health.
Don't allow my mistakes to be yours. Read, learn and laugh from it. If only someone would have instructed me how to handle this, wrote a book or shared a testimony of what to expect. I would have been aware of what to expect before it happened and what to do and what not to do!
I thought when people held a title (Example: Doctor) that they would do what is right. Boy, was I deceived. I assumed that because I told the truth they would do the same. This is NOT what happened! Several of the Dr's I went to, took my kindness and my trust in them and used it against me, and lied about my medical condition, just because.
Why would a person do such a thing? and why would they want to get revenge on me? I never did anything to them. I was only nice to them and she betrayed that trust.
I loved that car. That car had heard so many stories of what happened on my job, and when it made a certain sound, it let me know 'you need to get over that before you get home'. This way I didn't ruin someone else's day when I was having a challenging day at work. Or worse, I didn't want to start my morning off thinking about what happened the day before at work.
I always talked to that car about how my day went. I named that car 'Jerri'. That vehicle has taken me to work in the snow, the rain and in the ice. God allowed Jerri to take me to work everyday safe, and bring me back safe. Jerri was my 'anointed' machine. 'He' was ready for anything on that highway. 'His' job was to keep me safe.
When the accident happened, they took Jerri away from me, without a chance to say goodbye. If only I knew where he was, I would love to get him back or say my final goodbyes. This car was anointed by God for me. God anointed that car to keep me safe."
Tune in for the next installment
~Miss J