"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."
If God said something to you, it will come to pass, as long as you are still in his will. What God says, happens, with no relation to circumstances, events, resources, or our understanding. It can be very hard to trust God when all you can see around you seems to be an impossible situation or falling apart, but it can be done.
Many times we make decisions or snap judgments based on how we view the world, on the information we have available to us. This leaves out an entire world of information, all kinds of events and circumstances that we are completely unaware of!
Now on the other hand God sees ALL of it, the past, present and every chain of events that are occurring in the world around you. So when God guides you, he has so much more information available to work with. And because he is the creator of all things, he never makes mistakes or messes up.
So we don't just Trust him, we Trust him with ALL our heart, with everything we are, everything we do! Even when our eyes see no hope, we Trust God and are filled with hope! And what appears to be bad often leads to blessings. And when it seems like all is lost, and time is up, that is when suddenly an answer shows up!
Praise God!!
Opening up scriptures.
With Love,
~ Miss J