I was really mad at someone that 'did me wrong'.
I was carrying that around for a long time. I was bitter, angry and hurt.
It affected my relationships in my family, my work, and my overall peace of mind.
My everyday life was damaged.
when you are filled with hate, you can't see the good someone does.
And this was negatively affecting the way I looked at my life. It was stopping me from experiencing some of the good things that wanted to come my way!
I wanted everyone to think like I was thinking, to hate what I was hating.
If they had done that, then everybody would be fighting war daily, in jail or everyone dead.
I was mad.
It wasn't until I had someone ask me:
"When are you going to stop giving other people authority over your life?"
"Don't you see that they are gone away and living in peace, but you are the one still living with anger and hurt?"
"Do you really want to go to jail because you did something stupid?"
"You are doing this to Yourself"
"You are the one throwing a fit and carrying on"
"You are the one who is displaying the bad attitude"
"when is enough, enough?"
"If you keep it up, you will ruin your own life"
I was upset.
How dare they say that to me?!
But then I thought about it.
They were right, all this anger and judgment and holding a grudge was nonsense.
It was just hurting me.
AND it was my choice.
I was doing it to myself. I was the one damaging my life - not them.
Worse, I was damaging the lives of the people around me.
What I've learned is that people who walk around with hate in their heart for other people: whether it is for an individual, a co-worker, another color, a family member, or a neighbor
- it is hard for them to have any peace.
When they see or think of the other person, they immediately get into an angry mood and are upset. No peace of mind is possible like this.
They have given their 'own choice' to feel anger, the right to trash their own emotions, and then they have the nerve to blame the person they are hating for their own choices.
Choices that they are making for themselves.
This hatred is not from the Lord.
Sure, we all deal with anger at times.
There will be people we don't like, and things that happen that are unfair.
But we can't allow those things to control or ruin our lives.
This is why we go to church, read our bible, and get a relationship with God and His Son Jesus. So we can learn a message, a way of thinking, a way of life that helps us to have peace, joy, love and happiness...
- despite a world that is often unfair and unjust.
We take what we learn and we work on it, becoming better people and better at choosing positive emotions, and better at making more productive decisions, and better at getting victory over our own bad spirits.
We take Responsibility for our own emotions and actions, instead of blaming others.
When hatred was found in heaven, God cast it out, along with those who started it and carried it on.
God is for love. God created us for good.
Those that are filled with hate are not displaying God's character, and they spend their time on earth living daily with anger and bitterness and discontent.
Then they find that God doesn't accept them in eternity
- because God will not allow the hate He cast out, to come back in.
You can't spend your life in the service of hate, causing damage to yourself and others, often for no reason at all, and then expect that God of Love will think that is OK.
We all will get judged for our sins one day.
Better make it right while we have the chance.
Hate can cause you to make really poor choices.
I have witnessed people who were bigger size choose to be bullies and pick on people smaller than them, trusting that their bigger size would win a fight.
The other day I watched someone do this.
The larger person was challenging the smaller person. I thought to myself "what a fool".
You see, the smaller person had been taking years of training and competed in many competitions and street fights and was well trained in taking down people larger then them.
I have seen small people knock out big people with one punch!
Hate blinds you. Hate will have you pick a fight with someone that will whoop your butt!!
Humiliated in front of a crowd.
Once you have calmed down, you will still have to deal with your embarrassment. and the consequences of your poor choices. which, if you are slow in learning the lesson and refuse to take responsibility for your bad decisions, may cause you to hate even more -
And Remember:
when you are filled with hate, you can't see the good someone does.
The hate literally blinds you to the good that is for you.
Take a moment and let that sink in.
All that violence bottled up inside of you isn't worth it.
It destroys the quality of your life.
Forgive. Let it go.
Allow Peace and Love to heal your hurts and wounds.
Learn to live in joy.
Allow yourself to be loved by God.
You can go places and still be smiling despite injustice or unfairness, you can communicate with most everyone because you have a LOVE inside of you, a LOVE you have chosen, a LOVE that overcomes all hate.
This is what I taught my kids.
That is why they are able to go anywhere and get along with anyone.
They learned it from me.
And I learned it from Jesus, a hundred years ago (now you know my age! ha ha)
With Love Sugar
Miss J
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