Who is God and who is satan?
I was talking to a lot of people and I realized that there are a lot of people who don’t know who the enemy is! And a lot of people that don’t understand who God is either!
There are things they both do and things they cannot do. You won’t be able to discern between the two unless you know who they are. The nature, the characteristics, the personality, what they can and can’t do and how they interact with us.
EXAMPLE of satan’s personality: if you find yourself disliking someone because of the color the skin, you need to understand that when parents have multiple children – they usually don’t look alike (of course we are not talking about identical twins for this example). They have different skin tones, eye color, hair color, facial features, height, and build. Same parents but each child looks different.
So do you hate your kids because they look different from each other? Of course not!! Now God has lots of children and each are different – but all from the same Father! So if you don’t hate your own kids for being different looking, why would you hate someone else’s kids for looking different?
It is the nature of your enemy (satan) to hate and treat people badly over skin color when you have ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE for the bad attitude.
TRUTH removes the Excuses of Ignorance.
With Love Sugar
Miss J
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